Incredibly Simple Things You Can Do in FDMEE – Tip 10

Tip 10 – Use Data Load Rules to Override Default Location Settings With FDMEE, instead of having a location for every import file, you can group related source file loads under a single location and use individual data load rules for each source file. About Data Load Rules For those new to the concept of a data load rule or “DLR”, think of a data load rule as a data import and data export profile. You use DLRs to define the data extract and data load instructions associated with a specific location and source data set. In the example below, you can see how easy it is to override the default import format associated with a location using a data load rule....

Incredibly Simple Things You Can Do in FDMEE – Tip 9

Tip 9 – Use Advanced to Take Your Search to the Next Level Throughout your FDMEE application, you will find the search button on various user interface (UI) components. By clicking this little guy, you can perform simple searches. Additionally, some UI components (like Select Point of View and Location Details) have the Advanced Search button. With advanced search you can take your investigation to the next level. With one click of the Advanced button, you get additional search operators, such as “Starts with” and “Contains”.           You’re also given the option to add fields to view and/or search on.           Just look for the Advanced...

Incredibly Simple Things You Can Do in FDMEE – Tip 8

Tip 8 – Define a Member Mapping Based on Multiple Source Values Using Multi-dimension Mapping Forget using a script to derive a target member based on more than one source field value.  FDMEE now has multi-dimensional mapping. See the following screenshot for an example.  Using multi-dimension mapping, we can easily derive a Planning Smart List member based on source account and a custom field value....

Incredibly Simple Things You Can Do in FDMEE – Tip 7

Tip 7 – Use Query by Example to Filter Data One of the features that makes FDM such a hit with end users is its visibility into transformation logic.  You can easily navigate to the Data Load Workbench and investigate imported data and associated target system mappings in the data grid. Now, FDMEE has made it even easier to explore data grid information using Query by Example. With Query by Example you can easily filter on data that’s most important to you by typing in the filter text box above a given column. Take a stroll around the FDMEE user interface and you will find that Query by Example is just about everywhere, including Data Load Workbench, Data Load Mapping, and Process Details.  Essentially any UI component that uses a data grid (columns and rows) to display information incorporates the Query by Example feature....

10 Incredibly Simple Things You Can Do in FDMEE

One of my seven year-old daughter’s favorite phrases is “easy, peasy, lemon squeezy”.  She said it recently and I thought, You know, who doesn’t like when something goes as expected or when a product or service just works? Ultimately, technology exists to make life easier, right?  Oracle EPM software is no different.  This got me thinking about how FDMEE makes transforming and loading data in the Oracle EPM world easier than ever. Over the next couple of weeks, this series will show you 10 Incredibly Simple Things You Can Do in FDMEE. Tip 1 – Register a New Target Application Tip 2 – View an Execution Log Tip 3 – Download Metadata to Excel Tip 4- Use Lifecycle Management Tip 5 – Schedule a Job with Batch Processing Tip 6 – Map Blank Record Values Tip 7 – Filter Data Using Query by Example Tip 8 – Define Target Members Based on Multiple Source Values Using Multi-dimension Mapping Tip 9 – Use Advanced Search Tip 10 – Override Default Location Settings with Data Load Rules...

Incredibly Simple Things You Can Do in FDMEE – Tip 6

Tip 6 – Mapping Blank Record Values Sometimes incoming source records don’t have a value for every field (column).  For example, Company X tracks its revenue and expenses by product.  Each income statement record for Company X has a corresponding product, while all other account records do not have a product, that is, the product field is blank. To manage this scenario in FDM Classic, you could use a custom import script.  The script would evaluate the product field of each source record and if a record had no value (was blank), the script would assign a dummy value – e.g., NO_PRODUCT. FDMEE finally introduced an easy way to handle this to the FDM world with the <BLANK> notation.  Using the <BLANK> notation in a Like map, you can easily map source fields with no value to a target member. A number of legacy FDM users have been waiting on this for a long time.         (Note: <BLANK> interprets a blank character or space, for example ” “.  It cannot be used for mapping NULL or no value.  Additionally, when interpreting blank characters, it’s important to make sure the import file agrees with the specified file character set under System...